I am trying a new approach for posting content in my blog, where I will share something I heard or read these past weeks that interest me. I found this approach from Jason Fried of Basecamp, where he posts series of contents in this format. This kind of post can also act as bookmarks, so this is the right approach for saving good content from around the Internet.

Heard Something

I found this podcast episode from Gene Kim thread on Twitter. I immediately subscribed to this podcast and listened to several great episodes. For this post, I would recommend the gateway episode. This episode talks with Richard Hipp, the creator of SQLite. This episode opened a whole new perspective of doing software testing, learning from others, and creating an entire business from doing open-source software.

The Untold Story of SQLite

Read Something

I am trying to read more books this year, especially fiction books. So, I am looking for a good fiction book to start. I found from several sources that The Alchemist from Paul Coelho is a great book. So that’s what I did, I read The Alchemist, and it is a great book. This book is suitable for self-reflection. It made you think about your dreams and journey to this day. Several people call this book sucks because of being too dreamy and optimistic in your life. Still, I think this book is excellent to read in this pandemic time.

That’s all for now.